The drama program at FACE begins in the 3rd grade. Students are introduced to the language of theatre and explore different techniques such as clowning, puppetry and shadow play. At the end of elementary school, they are able to showcase what they have learned to their parents and friends in a public performance. These solid foundations will allow students to gain confidence in expressing themselves in front of their peers, to learn to manage their stress and to understand the importance of listening to others. These skills will serve them well throughout their school career, both in drama and in all other subjects.
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Nollem me ab illo inventore veritatis et harum quidem exercitus quid ex ea voluptate et dolorem aspernari ut aut in animis nostris inesse notionem, ut de homine sensibus reliqui nihil ut et quasi.
Nollem me ab illo inventore veritatis et harum quidem exercitus quid ex ea voluptate et dolorem aspernari ut aut in animis nostris inesse notionem, ut de homine sensibus reliqui nihil ut et quasi.